Новости - Up-to-date system which really helps !

Рассказы туристов

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Up-to-date system which really helps !
Туризм - Новости
24.04.2020 08:23


Intis Telecommunication - wide-scale system which can provide answer for many problems. The tool helps to transmit information easily.

Main part

Colleagues all over the world are fascinated by sending vital information, discussing the latest news, or giving assignments. According to the very rapid tempo of our life and especially eager to gain time - a vast majority of people pick messages because this kind is the quickest and the most useful for busy people. .

Pros and Cons

Using SMS has a lot of benefits. For example:

Automated software. It signifies that there is option not to accomplish numerous actions for sending SMS. Set the task, and your receivers will receive it.

Quality & price. It is useful to control the limit and refill the balance due to your budget. The quality of send messages will not be affected.

The mean time of message distribution is from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are settled possesses network coverage).

Department Solutions

Every business challenge such concept as optimization of every single operation. It should be done to satisfy client's needs.

SMS software is a great solution for  programmers. SMS software is a effective mechanism reach each marketing aims. For instance:

SMS could become an inherent part in the department`s everyday routine. Bulk texting  is ready to help:

To import data to XLS or CSV just with one click.

Software engineers can integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Owing to this option it is possible to deliver multiple  bulk texting, send HRL requests.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele SMS software gives permission for debugging your exclusive program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Ruby.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created to smooth integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

Bulk texting commands are helpful for sysadmins as they can do remote administration and server management.

Alert on time concerning any problems.

Business owners also could arrange the employees' workflow because of the bulk texting system. Give instructions for your colleagues.

Put in order your everyday corporate routine with the help of  bulk texts.

Intis Telecommunication service is ready for use for everyone. Here it is possible to get acquainted an understandable web interface, payment options that will match every pocket and a very attractive affiliate program. With the help of SMS software:

Users can use Visa in process of using this operating system..

You will be surprised by the speed of bulk texting transferring.

Industries and SMS solutions

The SMS software solution is suitable for offline and online shopping. This service solves a issues of different spheres in various industries.

With the help of SMS solutions insurance companies can provide the best service for the customers.

It is a excellent solution for e-commerce. With SMS system exists an alternative to set up notifications concerning special sales.

Bulk texts software is available in the beauty industry. It can be applied in clinics.

This SMS will inform users about special offers in the beauty sphere.

This software considered to be the best solution advance travel and transport operations and make customers enjoy the best adventure in the time of thr journeys.

Bulk texting is a decision for startups and IT. This application is necessary for hosting.

Bulk texting signal for providing security. It is applicable for satellite tracking.


It is easy to top up the balance and decide the amount of money which you can contribute. IntisTele is able offer various approached to top up the balance. For example, Credit cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions concerning the system and the principles of working process, do not wait to attend IntisTele FAQ.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Do SMS targeted. Break the database into single categories by gender.

Now you could send offers only to clients who show an interest in product.

Tell your name. It would be better to mark company name right at the top of your text message. This technique will lead to additional attention to your message and make the message unique. Clients will always know organization which addresses them.

Write brief and clear . One of the least unfavorable things you can figure out for your SMS newsletter is oversaturation.

The great amount of text in the SMS could force the client avoid it rather than view. The laconic SMS is crucial to great conversions.

Affiliate program

Owing to a special IntisTele Affiliate program every customer can have a commission because of attracting fresh users. You could earn up to 10% of the month's top-up balance payment, which was made by the client you have brought to IntisTele software.

Source: https://www.intistele.com/



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